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When I’m sending friend requests in Stage 1 of the warm-up process, do these people need to accept my friend request to count for the 2-3 daily requests sent?

No, it isn't necessary for each person to accept your friend request for your profile to warm up correctly. The key is the action of consistently sending out friend requests. However, having friends accept your requests can be beneficial for overall engagement and activity on your profile.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Send 2-3 Friend Requests Daily:

Consistently send out 2-3 friend requests every day as part of the warm-up process.

  1. Engage with Content:

Engage with content by liking, commenting, and sharing posts to enhance your profile’s activity level.

For detailed instructions, refer to the warm-up process outlined in Module 1-1 Bulletproof Facebook Profile Warm-Up of the program.

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  1. Michael Hagele

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