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Will friends and family be able to see the ads I'm running?

To maintain the privacy of your ads when using a friend’s or family member's Facebook profile, follow these steps:

  1. Manage Notification Settings: In Meta Business Suite (formerly Facebook Business Manager), turn off notifications related to ad approvals, billing, and other ad activities to prevent these updates from appearing on your personal profile.
  2. Associate Ads with a Facebook Page: Ads are typically linked to a Facebook Page, not your personal profile. By using a business account, your ads will appear to come from your business page, keeping your personal account private.
  3. Inform the Profile Owner: If you're using a profile belonging to friends or family members for business purposes, it's best to inform them about the ads. However, if they don't use Facebook actively, they are less likely to notice the ads.
  4. Configure Ad and Business Page Settings: Ensure your ad settings and business page settings are properly configured to minimize any crossover with personal activities.
  5. Use the "View As" Feature: Use the "View As" feature on your Facebook profile to see how your profile appears to others, ensuring that your business activities remain private.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your ads without them being visible to your personal network, ensuring your business activities remain professional and separate from personal interactions. For more detailed instructions, refer to the Module 1 - 1 Bulletproof Facebook Profile Warm-Up.

Reminder: Don't forget to register for our weekly live Group Mentorship sessions. They are key for getting extra help and deepening your understanding of the program. You will automatically receive weekly invite emails on Tuesday of each week with email subject lines that always begin with "[AdV] - REGISTER" where you can register for each week's calls.

If you need more information or assistance, please reach out through our Support Portal.

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  1. Michael Hagele

  2. Posted
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