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Should I use my existing aged Facebook profile or create a new one?

When deciding between using your existing aged Facebook profile or creating a new one for running ads, here's what we recommend:

Chris always suggests using your original Facebook profile because it has a history of activity, which builds trust with Facebook's algorithms. Facebook generally dislikes users creating multiple accounts, so we strongly advise against making a new profile just to run ads. An aged profile is less likely to be flagged or restricted when you start running ads. Consistency in your activity and interactions also helps build credibility and avoids potential red flags.

Even with an aged profile, you'll need to follow our warm-up process to ensure everything is set up correctly. Creating a new profile might seem like a fresh start, but it lacks the established trust and history, making it more likely to be flagged for suspicious activity.

For a detailed walkthrough of the warm-up process, please refer to our lesson: Bulletproof Facebook Profile Warm-Up.

Reminder: Also, don't forget to register for our weekly live Group Mentorship sessions. They are key for getting extra help and deepening your understanding of the program. You will automatically receive weekly invite emails on Tuesday of each week with email subject lines that always begin with "[AdV] - REGISTER" where you can register for each week's calls.

If you need more information or assistance, please reach out through our Support Portal.

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  1. Michael Hagele

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