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Should I accept random friend requests and join groups while warming up my profile?

During the warm-up process for your Facebook profile, it’s essential to build activity and engagement. Here’s what you should do regarding friend requests and group interactions:

Accepting Friend Requests:

  • Accepting friend requests is part of building a natural-looking profile. You can accept requests from people you know or from profiles that seem genuine. Avoid accepting too many requests at once, as this can appear suspicious.

Joining Groups:

  • Joining groups is a good way to increase your profile’s activity. Choose groups that align with your interests or the niche you are focusing on for your ads. Engage with posts and participate in discussions to create a well-rounded activity log.

General Guidelines:

  • Gradually increase your activity. Don’t overdo it by joining too many groups or accepting numerous friend requests in a short period.
  • Focus on creating a natural and diverse activity pattern on your profile to avoid any red flags from Facebook.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Module 1 - 1 Bulletproof Facebook Profile Warm-Up. By following these steps, you can effectively warm up your profile and prepare it for running ads.

Also, don't forget to register for our weekly live Group Mentorship sessions. They are key for getting extra help and deepening your understanding of the program. You will automatically receive weekly invite emails on Tuesday of each week with email subject lines that always begin with "[AdV] - REGISTER" where you can register for each week's calls.

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  1. Michael Hagele

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
