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What if I can't join the weekly group mentorship calls on time?

We understand that sometimes schedules can conflict, and you might not be able to join the weekly group mentorship calls on time. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Join When You Can: Feel free to join the calls whenever you're able to. We value your participation and understand that sometimes meetings can run over.

2. Access the Recordings: All our sessions are recorded. If you miss any part of the live call, you can catch up with the replay at your convenience. This way, you won’t miss any crucial information or discussions.

How to Access Replays: You will receive an email with the replay link the day after the session. Make sure to check your inbox and spam/junk folders to ensure you receive all communications.

For more information on joining our weekly live Group Mentorship sessions, refer to the program video Live Training & Support.

Need Assistance? If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to us through our Support Portal at

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  1. Michael Hagele

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
