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Module 3 - Setting Up Your Landing Page and Tracking

  1. Module 3 - 1 Module Overview

  2. Module 3 - 2 Opening a Convertri & Clickmagick Account

  3. ​​Module 3 - 3 MASTERCLASS Million Dollar Landing Page Swipe File

  4. Module 3 - 4 How to Create Your Winning Landing Page

    1. Do you need a website and a landing page to run on Facebook and YouTube, or can it be done with only a landing page?
    2. What do you think about putting the logo of institutions on your landing page for authority? Good or bad idea?
    3. Do we need to flesh out our website to make it look more legit?
    4. See all 4 articles »
  5. Module 3 - 5 Psychology of Winning Landing Page Images

  6. Module 3 - 6 Creating Landing Page Images

    1. Do we need curiosity images on the landing page for Genius Wave?
  7. Module 3 - 7 MASTERCLASS Creating Landing Ad Copy

    1. Is it worth mentioning Harvard or Cambridge, or does that look like everyone else on their landing page?
  8. Module 3 - 8 Ad Copy Compliance

    1. Can I say in a landing page that study participants are no longer diabetics? Isn't that a disease?
    2. How does compliance work on Facebook compared to YouTube?
  9. Module 3 - 9 Buying a URL & Setting Up Your Domain

    1. Is it okay to use the same site for both YouTube and Facebook traffic, or should I keep them separate?
    2. Can I use domains I've previously used for YouTube ads on Facebook?
    3. Can we use domains that we used for YouTube?
    4. See all 5 articles »
  10. Module 3 - 10 How to Set Up Your Compliance & Footer Links

  11. Module 3 - 11 How to Add Your Website to Your Facebook Page

  12. Module 3 - 12 Tracking Setup - Connect Convertri & Clickmagick

    1. Can you explain why we need to create a new project for each landing page in ClickMagic for Facebook but not in Google ads?
    2. ClickBank's Genius Wave product automatically shows the checkout button. Do I have the wrong link?
    3. My setup from Convertri and ClickMagic, when I click on my page all the links work, but when I test I only get one click and one action no matter how many times I click the links. Why?
  13. Module 3 - 13 Tracking Setup - Connect Clickmagick & Clickbank

  14. Module 3 - 14 Tracking Setup - Pixel Creation & Connecting Clickmagick to Facebook

    1. If you're running offers in the manifestation niche but one is digital and one is supplement, do you use the same pixel or create separate pixels?
    2. Chris, I think you need to take a look at the engagement tracking pixel page, answer 58. The page is now different to the one you showed us. The URL we're now giving doesn't work. I have no engagements in my ClickMagic or my campaigns.
    3. Can I set up the audience optimization for Google and Facebook in the same ClickMagick project?
    4. See all 5 articles »
  15. Module 3 - 15 How to Verify Your Domain in Your Business Manager