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Can I just start running ads if my profile is already aged and active?

Even if your profile is already aged and active, it is still important to follow the warm-up process to ensure the best results. Here’s why:

Building Trust with Facebook:

  • The warm-up process helps build trust with Facebook's algorithms, ensuring that your account remains in good standing and reduces the risk of any restrictions.

Consistency and Activity:

  • By following the warm-up steps, you create a consistent activity pattern that demonstrates to Facebook that your profile is being used naturally and responsibly.

Minimizing Risks:

  • Jumping straight into running ads without following the warm-up process can raise red flags and potentially lead to account issues. Gradual and consistent activity is key to maintaining a healthy ad account.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Module 1 - 1 Bulletproof Facebook Profile Warm-Up.

Also, don't forget to register for our weekly live Group Mentorship sessions. They are key for getting extra help and deepening your understanding of the program. You will automatically receive weekly invite emails on Tuesday of each week with email subject lines that always begin with "[AdV] - REGISTER" where you can register for each week's calls.

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  1. Michael Hagele

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
